The J.R. Masterman High School Alumni Association was founded in 1998. This is our mission:
- To maintain alumni relationships with the school and each other through written and electronic communications, as well as through social, academic, and professional events.
- To provide financial and in-kind support to the school, with the aim of facilitating academic achievement, maintaining and furthering extracurricular activities, and, ultimately, sustaining Masterman’s position as the top public high school in Philadelphia.
- To award scholarships and grants to deserving Masterman students.
- To raise funds, host events, and secure contributions that further all of the aforementioned aims.
Alumni Association Membership
By joining the Masterman Alumni Association, you’ll get the inside track on upcoming school and alumni events, receive special event pricing, and gain access to the Masterman Alumni directory—which will help you connect with classmates and other alumni.
Annual membership is $25.00. It begins on the day we receive your payment and ends on the last day of that month of the following calendar year. For example, if you pay your dues on January 4, 2019, then your membership will remain active until January 31, 2020.
If you haven’t already, please join the Masterman Alumni Association and pay your membership fees today. Use the following link and include “Dues” in the notes section.
Alumni Association Meetings
We are always looking for new volunteers to support the Masterman Alumni Association. The planning committee meets on the third Thursday of every month at 5:30 PM in room 101 of the Masterman school building (17th& Spring Garden Streets). Meetings are open to all alumni members.
If you would like to participate in planning activities, but are not local to Philadelphia or available at the appointed meeting time, please contact us at info@mastermanalum.com to learn more about how you can get involved.